Thursday, April 22, 2010


Preserving innocence
in the young
requires time
and energy.
Will we invest in
their lives, their
present & future
instead of
the demands of the world
to compete & drain us
of these
precious resources?


Disappointment flows
Like sweat
On a hot humid day

Irritating & annoying
Can be done

Except to wipe the trickles
And wait for more

Eventually the droplets
Will cease
And character

Formed in the disappointment
As a strong stream of living water

Monday, April 12, 2010

Connection or collection?

We want to connect
but do we just collect
friends, acquaintances, those
whom we can claim some
connection to, but who really
are just part of our collection
of individuals, couples, families
to whom we don’t really connect?

It seems again that
“L” has entered our lives
rather than “N”!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


The difficulty
in deciding
what is yours and
what is mine.
Time floats by,
or rushes,
depending on the situation.
And calls are made on
and life
and priorities.
Deciding to say no
is not simple or easy
yet sometimes
is the best answer.

Emotional Directions

Sadness turns to
Disappointment turns to
Frustration turns to
Anger turns to
Not a journey one wishes
to set out on, but inexorably
linked to events in the life
of loved ones.
Changing direction is a slow process
like an ocean liner following
a large curve – it can occur.

So, resentment needs to be recognised
and confessed
anger needs to be expressed
frustration exercised out
turning to energy
disappointment harnessed
with longing
sadness eased as possibilities
are considered.
A difficult journey
to undertake, with subtle
twists, & turns, incorporating
involvement and effort
Changing directions does occur
bringing life and hope
and a future yet to be seen.